Two exciting collections of contemporary art are being shown at the current time. Although I am unable to attend them myself I thought I'd spread the word. First up is a group exhibition featuring the work of Hayley Goodsell, who is showing the ever enigmatic interactive piece 'Jay and Terri'.

The two telephones offer two separate looped telephone conversations where the artist has contacted a sex line. In a deeply personal and insightful conversation the listeners find themselves exploring their voyeuristic side, often awkward but always humorous. The monolithic installation acts as a beacon, drawing two strangers in a shared experience to the separate telephones, performing the everyday act with unexpected consequences.
I'd love to see how this installation works in the space of the contemporary gallery. I'm sure the curators have done a great job in their selection process and give this exhibit work to play against in the exhibition space.
The show is called SALON08 an held in the VINEspace gallery in Bethnal Green, London. See the
websitefor more information. Running from 4th Dec - 21st Dec.
The second show I would love to attend is the opening of a gallery space near Manchester by two up and coming artists Oliver Irvine and Amy Thomas. They have transformed a three-story high street building into an installation space as a temporary project until they progress to a residency program in China in the coming year.
The Gallery has not yet opened but from the website there appears to be a great variety of work on display, and I expect some performance perhaps on the opening night. There are a number of similarities in my work and the work of these two artists, both finding romance in the themes of post-apocalypse and isolation.

The Gallery, entitled 'Atoi Arts', opens on the 13th of December. For more information, images and location please see the